In today’s society, workplace drug testing is becoming increasingly common. Employers need to ensure the safety of their employees, and drug testing is a way to do just that. Drug tests can detect illegal substances as well as prescription drugs that may be abused. There are various types of employee screening service that can be administered, depending on the individual company’s needs. In this article, we will explore the different types of drug screening that can be implemented in the workplace. This way, employers can ensure they are adhering to best practices when creating a drug-free environment.
1. Urine Drug Tests
Urine drug tests are the most common type of pre employment drug screen. They are non-invasive and relatively inexpensive to administer. The test works by detecting drugs in a sample of the employee’s urine. This test can detect a range of drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, opiates, and amphetamines, among others. It also can detect prescription drugs that may have been abused.
2. Hair Follicle Drug Tests
Hair follicle drug tests are the most reliable form of drug testing. This type of drug screening requires a sample of hair, usually collected from the back of the head, and looks for drug metabolites that are stored inside the hair follicles. Hair follicle tests can detect drugs up to 90 days from the date of the test, making them one of the most reliable and accurate forms of drug testing available. They are also relatively non-invasive, as they do not require a blood sample and leave no trace of the test being administered.
3. Saliva Drug Tests
Saliva drug tests are another relatively non-invasive form of drug testing. They involve collecting a saliva sample from the employee and testing it for drugs. This type of test is effective in testing for drugs that have been taken recently and can detect marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, and opiates. Saliva drug tests are gaining in popularity due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of use.
4. Blood Drug Tests
Blood drug tests are the most invasive form of drug testing and require the collection of a sample of blood from the employee. This type of test is used to detect drugs in the body and can detect drugs that have been taken recently or in the past. Blood drug tests are highly accurate, as they detect actual levels of drugs in the bloodstream. From a legal standpoint, blood drug tests are the most reliable form of testing and can be used as evidence in court.
To Sum It Up
Drug testing is an important part of maintaining a drug-free workplace. Employers have several options when it comes to employee screening services and can choose from urine, hair follicle, saliva, or blood tests. So, depending on the individual company’s needs, employers can choose the type of drug screening that best fits their requirements. Thanks for reading.